Carrenea Stewart

A Sister; Mother; Grand Mother; Great Grand Mother; and a Lady.


Many of my projects are inspired by people I have met throughout my time here on Earth, and there is no one on earth that I HONOR, and LOVE, more then Carrenea Stewart.

"Give them their flowers while they are alive, because they cannot use them when they are dead"

"Focus on the Long Run".

These words, and many others are just a few which I live by; which I am thankful for.

And it is these very words that have kept me grounded and stead-fast as I work toward my purpose.

It is Carrenea Stewart whom I care for; whom I love the most; and whom I am thankful for.
And it is Carrenea Stewart - My Mother - whom I speak of in these Words as I Honor her; and it is because of her that I send to all the living beings on Earth and in the space above these Words of Love.  

Love, Always

Astor P. Birri

03 Jan., 2011
Revised: 02th Jan., 2020